Wednesday 11 October 2017

Rediff Online Trading Spill

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H e hadde en ideell, høyt betalende leder jobb på 23 og trengte ikke å gi opp for det som generelt sett settes som en høyrisikobedrift. Likevel avsluttet Dayanand Gupta sin jobb og ventured i valutahandel. Flyttet betalte seg og to år senere, i dag, er Gupta vellykket, med grep om grunnleggende for virksomheten. Mange foretrekker å holde seg unna forex trading, det største finansmarkedet globalt. Dagens omsetning overstiger 3,8 trillioner, tre ganger den samlede virksomheten til aksje - og gjeldsmarkedet i USA. Som råvaremarkedet handler forexmarkedet døgnet rundt. Forex trading, bare, bytter ut en valuta for en annen. De fleste handles mot dollar. Andre høyhandlede valutaer er euro, pund, yen, sveitsiske franc og australske dollar. Den første valutaen sitert i et valutapar på forex kalles basisvaluta, som vanligvis er den innenlandske valutaen. Den andre valutaen kalles sitatvalutaen og er vanligvis utenlandsk valuta. For eksempel, hvis du handlet i rupee-dollar, ville rupi være basisvalutaen og dollaren sitatvalutaen. Prisen viser hvor mye tilbudsvaluta som trengs for å få en enhet av basisvalutaen. I dette markedet er volumet av handel uttrykt i basisvalutaen. Eksempel: I en 100 000 rupee-dollar-handel er 100 000 pålydende og er en standard kontrakt eller mye. Uansett hvilken valuta du har på kontoen din, definerer handelsprogramvaren automatisk valutakursen. Gevinsten eller tapet i handelen er uttrykt i sitatvalutaen, da valutapareprisen er oppgitt i den. For eksempel, hvis du kjøper euro-dollar på 1.3000, og solgte den på 1.3010, er fortjenesten din 0.0010 eller 10 pips for hver euro. Et pip er det minste måttet av prisflytte på en bytte. Spread: Hver handel har to priser - bud og spør. Budprisen er prisen som megleren kjøper og du får på salg. Spørprisen er tilbudsprisen som megleren selger og du betaler for å kjøpe. Forskjellen mellom bud og pris er spredningen (meglere fortjeneste). I en euro-dollarhandel på 1.40001.4003 er spredningen 3 pips. Når du handler 100 000 euro, tjener megleren 100 000 x 0 0003 30, uavhengig av fortjeneste eller tap. Hvis valutaparet stiger 10 pips (fra 1.40001.4003 til 1.40101.4013), vil du tjene bare 7 pips fordi du kjøpte på 1.4003 og solgt på 1.4010. Vanligvis er et lavere spredning bedre for handelsfolk, da det gir høyere fortjeneste. Utnyttelse og margin. I tilfelle av en liten investor som investerer, si 1000, hvis prisen går opp med en prosent, vil du tjene 10 og din megler kun 0,30. Det er ikke mye for deg verre for megleren. Tretti cent vil neppe rettferdiggjøre sin lønn. Ergo er konseptet med innflytelsesfinansiering, hvor en næringsdrivende innskudd bare er en antatt risiko (margin) og resten leveres av megleren. Marginekravene varierer fra en til fem prosent, avhengig av megleren. En margin på 1 prosent kan oversette til en handel på opp til 100 000, selv om du bare har 1000 på kontoen din. Marginen tilsvarer en innflytelse på 100: 1. Bruk av en 100: 1 innflytelse, som ovenfor, multipliseres din og meglerens fortjeneste med 100: du får 1000 (100 prosent av investeringen din) og megleren blir 30. Flippen - hvis prisen faller en prosent, hele hovedstaden er tapt. Nære på . Når du åpner en handelsposisjon, kan du utpeke en del av kapitalen som sikkerhet på din margin, som vil bli satt til side og beskyttet. På en kapital på 3000, si, er marginen din 1000. Du bruker 2000 til handel, og hvis du mister, vil megleren lukke posisjonen din og du vil få tilbake sikkerheten. La oss si at du kjøpte 100.000 enheter av euro-dollar på 1,3217, som steg til 1.3227. Du selger umiddelbart disse enhetene og får 100 tilbake. Men hvis frekvensen avtar til 1.3207, står du for å miste 100. Noen tap er uunngåelig for enhver forhandler. Nøkkelen er imidlertid å begrense tap ved å bruke stopp-tap og kontrollerende risiko. Hvis du angir en grenseordre, ville du ha innsett det potensielle resultatet uten å måtte overvåke handelen tett. Forsiktig. Å gjøre 100.000 fra 100 er mulig i denne handelen, forutsatt at du følger spillets regler - vær forsiktig. Imidlertid har investorer en tendens til å likestille valuta med aksjer. En stor feil, sier Pramit Brahmbhatt, CEO, Alpari India. Risikofaktorene er mer komplekse her. Enhver endring i makroøkonomien er en stor fare, legger til Brahmbhatt. Rekha Mishra, seniorforskningsanalytiker, Bonanza Portfolio, er enig: I motsetning til andre markeder er forex svært volatile og mest flytende. Man bør følge visse grunnregler her for å håndtere risiko. Du kan starte med analyse, grunnleggende og teknisk. Ferdighet å forutse kan kun utelukkes av erfaring over en periode. En demo-konto kan utsette deg for varmen i en rask beslutningsprosess, sa en forex-forhandler. Man kan også begynne å handle med mini - eller mikrokontoer for å redusere risikoen for appetitten. Men ikke dra konklusjoner basert på tidligere handler. Til tross for at det er et 24-timers marked, kan alle timer ikke være like gunstige for handel på forex. Du kan planlegge din handel for å få den høyeste handelstimene for å maksimere fortjenesten. Freshers kan ta små eksponeringer til de får tillit. Prafull Shirsat i MumbailsquoIts all real, jeg trodde aldri i mine villeste drømmer jeg ville komme så langt i Australiarsquo BILDE: Roger Federer i Sveits feirer å vinne sin semifinale kamp mot Stanislas Wawrinka. Fotografier: Scott BarbourGetty Images R oger Federer holdt fast mot en rasende fightback fra stipendiat Swiss Stanislas Wawrinka, som kuttet sin tidligere lærling 7-5, 6-3, 1-6, 4-6, 6-3 i en Melbourne Park klassiker for å nå finalen i Australian Open på torsdag. På den dagen Williams-søstrene booket sin plass i kvinnens finale, fortsatte 35 år gamle Federer marsen til veteranene, og ble den eldste mannen til å nå en Grand Slam-finale i mer enn 40 år. Den sveitsiske mesteren ble rystet som fjerde frø. Wawrinka stormet tilbake for å jevne kampen på en flombelyst Rod Laver Arena, men det var hans motstander som blinket først i spenningsskåret decider. Wawrinka tvangssviktet for å gi Federer nøkkelpausen i det sjette spillet og fire-tiden-mesteren Federer redet en bølge av adulation fra terrassene for å tjene ut kampen for å elske. En seier fra en 18th Grand Slam-tittel og en første om fem år holdt Federer også sjansen for en drømmes final med stor rival Rafael Nadal, som spiller den andre semifinalen mot 15. frø Grigor Dimitrov. BILDE: Stanislas Wawrinka i Sveits gratulerer Roger Federer ved å vinne semifinalen. Foto: Quinn RooneyGetty Images T Swiss vil bli den eldste mannen Grand Slam-finalisten siden Ken Rosewall presenterte i US Open i 1974 i en alder av 39 år. Det er alt ekte, jeg trodde aldri i mine villeste drømmer jeg ville komme så langt i Australia , en glødende Federer sa i hans courtside intervju, å ha kommet til Australia uten forventninger etter seks måneder ut av spillet. Jeg har et par dager unna. Det er vakkert. Jeg er sannsynligvis (Nadals) nummer én fan. Jeg er glad vi hadde noen episke kamper gjennom årene. Federer måtte avslutte seieren med en øvre benskader og takket domstolene physio for sine magiske hender. Men han flyttet flott for å nekte sin nære venn Wawrinka en sjanse til en fjerde Grand Slam-tittel. Vennskap ble hylle før kampen, og Wawrinka holdt tennene i tennis venter før de gikk stille til senteret. Det var en sakte brennende start på deres syvende Grand Slam-møte, men det ble sparket inn i livet i et maraton fjerde spill som Wawrinka reddet en trio av bruddpunkter til grimly hold serve. Det var øyeblikk av magi, en kongelig Federer drop shot skåret høyt inn i luften fra baseline nettopp ryddet nettet til flummox Wawrinka på 3-2. Federer byttet wands, tok en ny rakett etter at nye baller ble kalt og drev det til ødeleggende effekt i det 12. spillet, bryte Wawrinkas tjene til å ta settet da han hamret en forex i nettet. Broken igjen til sti 4-2, Wawrinka mistet det andre settet på bare 31 minutter og hamret sin racket inn i retten. Den tønne-chested schweizeren bestemte seg for å fullføre jobben ordentlig, snapping hans racket i halv over kneet. Hans andre kne hadde plaget ham før kampen, og han vendte tilbake til retten med den strapped. Med ny rakett i hånden, begynte han å svinge med forlatelse og hans ubearbeidede backhand begynte å synge. En searing passerer skutt brøt Federers tjene i fjerde spillet og Wawrinka brølte gjennom settet i en rasende salvo av makt treffer. En annen smoking backhand passerer skutt knust gjennom Federers tjene, og sveitserne mistet et sjette rette spill. Wawrinka sparket en rekke store tjener til å sette kampen på nivåbetingelser og knuste brystet to ganger i en dempet feiring. Trading backhand blåser som heavyweight boksere, paret pounded vekk på hverandre i den femte før Wawrinkas tjene smuldret. Den avgjørende, dobbelte feilen utgjorde raucous cheers fra pro-Federer publikum og Federer brølte til mål, nyter sjansen til å legge til sine fire Melbourne Park titler. Kilde: 169 Copyright 2017 Reuters Limited. Alle rettigheter reservert. Repressering eller omfordeling av Reuters innhold, inkludert ved innramming eller lignende, er uttrykkelig forbudt uten Reuters tidligere skriftlige samtykke. Reuters skal ikke holdes ansvarlig for eventuelle feil eller forsinkelser i innholdet eller for handlinger som er tatt i tillit derpå. Den sionistiske enheten og Hindutvadi India gjennomførte 2611. av Jonathan Azaziah. Det er blitt kalt India8217s 911. Et vildt angrep begått mot friheten og demokrati som elsker mennesker i India8217s største by. Nesten 200 mennesker døde. Godt over 300 andre skadet. Mediekontoer strømmet som elver fra alle deler av kloden, 8216 revealing8217 at en ragtag-gruppe av islamske ekstremister igjen hadde truffet frykt for uskyldige hjerter. Den indiske livsstilen ble satt under angrep. Denne fortellingen er imidlertid bare det som har blitt presentert av de sionistiske eide media. Når logikk og intelligens brukes til forsiktig disseksjon og omhyggelige, grundige etterforskningsmetoder, smelter denne fortellingen like fort som den offisielle historien om 911 falsk flagg angrep. Denne fortellingen er fylt med propaganda, disinformation og direkte sionistiske utformede løgner. 2611 var arbeidet med pakistanske terrorister, det var arbeidet til Israel8217s internasjonale massemordsorganisasjon, Mossad. Bistand ble levert av sitt allment eksisterende nettverk av Sayanim, dets incestuous partner i kriminalitet, CIA og India8217s etterretningstjeneste, RAW. Som det er tilfelle med ethvert annet terrorangrep som utføres av Mossad og avskyelig og falskt tilskrives muslimer, var det falske flagget 2611 som tjente interessene til den illegitime israelske enheten og den sionistiske okkuperte amerikanske regjeringen på grunn av angrepet , den brutale Hindutva-regimet i India gav vesentlig nytte. Slagene var bare de uskyldige som ble myrdet av Mossad i angrepet på dagen, men folket i okkuperte Kashmir, som ble utsatt for enda grusomere Hindutva-undertrykkelse enn noen gang, og den globale muslimske befolkningen som helhet, som ble plassert under en enda mer ugudelig sionistisk beleiring enn når den globale 8216war på terror8217 ble initiert, etter at han ble feiltaktig skylden for enda en treff skapt av den forgjeves sionistiske enheten. Zionisme og Hindutva: folkemordsbruer i en pod. Opprinnelser: Hindutva og Zionisme Det er virkelig skremmende hvordan liknende ideologiene som styrer den illegitime usurpingenheten til Israel og den kriminelle regjeringen i India er. Faktisk beveger Zionisme og Hindutva langt utover bare likheter og går inn i riket av ubestridelige paralleller. Hindutva-ideologien ble grunnlagt i politisk forstand av Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, også kjent som Veer Savarkar, en indisk nasjonalist som levde i løpet av den koloniale britiske okkupasjonen av India. Han ble fengslet av okkupanten for forbrytelser mot kronen, og i fengsel utviklet han Hindutva-ideologien. Som Zionisme i sin absurde påstand at det hellige landet Palestina tilhører 8216Jews8217 og 8216Jews8217 alene fordi 8216God8217 ga det til dem, var Hindutva basert på den mytiske og latterlige ideen om at hele det sydasiatiske subkontinentet tilhørte hinduerne for nøyaktig samme grunnen til at ideologien var voldelig anti-kristen og enda mer voldsom (og hatefully) anti-muslimsk (1). Savarkar så på hinduerne som et overordnet løp med blod, og så på den hinduistiske nasjonen som en enhet som ville styre verden (2). Savarkar, som begynte sin kampanje som en anti-britisk revolusjonær, solgte bokstavelig talt sin sjel til okkupanten og lovte å samarbeide med kronen hvis den signerte seg på sin frigjøring fra fengsel. Storbritannia gjorde nettopp det, og Savarkar brukte sin nyopprettede etnocentriske ideologi til å rekruttere indianer til den britiske hæren med oppdraget å etnisk rense 8216Hindu nation8217 av muslimer (3). Denne ideologien var absolutt gift for det rettferdige indiske folk, så vel som en massiv fornærmelse mot deres enhet og brorskap. Det tjente interessene til det kolonialistiske britiske regimet på grunn av sitt potensial til å så evig motgang mellom muslimer og hinduer. Dette var spesielt viktig for kronen på grunn av det det opplevde på høyden av 8216Raj8217 regjering, da Mujahideen og hinduistiske ascetics kjempet side om side med håp om å drive briterne ut av sitt hjemland (4). Hinduer ble anerkjent som 8216Ahlul-Kitab, 8217 eller 8216Beople of the Book, 8217 av India8217s høyest rangerte muslimske lærde, som ga dem æresverdig og verdig status og beskyttelse under islamsk lov (5). Som Zionisme, som til og med (og spesielt) i sine dypeste Talmudiske røtter, er helt ateistisk, så er Hindutva, som Veer Savarkar selv er en selvattestet ateist (6). Derfor er dette ikke på noen måte en religiøs tvist, men også som zionismen. Hindutva bruker et religiøst begrep som en del av navnet sitt for å feilaktig skildre seg som en religiøs filosofi og ideologi. Dette er bevisst for å styrke illusjonen. Hindutva8217s tentakler ble formidlet for å skape et skis mellom de en gang lukkede muslimske og hinduistiske samfunnene. Det er ekstremt viktig å merke seg at Veer Savarkar, grunnleggeren av den dyrebare Hindutva-tankeskolen, var en sionist, ba på det internasjonale samfunn om å gi hele palestinsk gjenopprettelse som et jødisk hellig land og fosterland 8217 til sionisterne (7). Det ville være helt rimelig å hypotesere at disse sterke pro-sionistiske meninger holdt av Savarkar var instrumental i hans sammensetning av Hindutva, og forklarte likhetene mellom de to genocidale ideologiene. Det var Savarkar8217s innflytelse som forandret India8217s opprinnelige anti-sionistiske holdning, og til slutt førte til India8217s anerkjennelse av den illegitime sionistiske enheten som en stat den 17. september 1950 (8). Hindutva8217s korrosive natur forsvant langsomt, men langsomt forvandlet indias8217s geopolitikk til radikalisert ekstremisme som var alvorlig pro-sionistisk, pro-amerikansk, pro-krig og anti-muslim gjennom Bharatiya Janata Party8217s (BJP) til magten i 1980-tallet. Den storslåtte Hindutvadi BJP8217s oppgang ble fullt støttet og finansiert av det sionistiske regimet (9), og ved sin ankomst til styrken i India8217s politikk etablerte den enda dypere militære, økonomiske og intelligensbånd med Israel (10), til det harde skaderet av de okkuperte folket i Palestina og Kashmir. Hindutvadi lobbyorganisasjoner i USA har også etablert nærliggende bånd med Usurping entity8217s parasitære utenrikspolitiske våpen, AIPAC, for å knuse all amerikansk politisk motstand mot indisk hegemoni i regionen, samt å maskere India8217s barbare okkupasjon av Kashmir som 8216national security8217 policy (11). Denne uhellige alliansen av hat mellom zionister og Hindutvadis eksploderte i 1992, da den allerede var flyktig indisk atmosfære på grunn av korrupsjon av BJP, utførte den BJP-kontrollerte regjeringen ødeleggelsen av den gamle Babri Masjid med Mossad-assistanse. Babri Masjid ble ødelagt av Mossad og BJP. Grunnarbeidet I: Babri Masjid-rivningen Den fantastiske Babri Masjid var en massiv struktur bygget av den første Mughal keiseren av India i 1527. Den sto i Ayodhya, en by i distriktet Faizabad i den nordlige indiske provinsen Utter Pradesh, hjem til 31 millioner indiske muslimer. Det var en gang en integrert del av det daglige muslimske livet i Ayodhya, men på grunn av økningen av Hindutva og dets Hindutvadi-militære vinger, ble den brukt mindre og sjeldnere til det ikke var brukt i det hele tatt. Muslimer ble plaget daglig på høyden av Babri-riots før den ble ødelagt. Imamene fra masjidene ble kidnappet, strukturen ble brann ved flere anledninger og menneskelig avfall ble til og med dumpet inne i moskeen (12). Tvisten over Babri startet fordi Hindutva-terroristregimet hevdet at selve stedet hvor maskineren sto, var fødestedet til den hinduiske guddom Ram, og gir dermed Hindutva hersker over strukturen. Imidlertid, som de sionistiske påstandene om 8216Jewish8217 kongeriker som en gang ble reist i det hellige landet Palestina, blir utsatt for bare talmudisk folklore og rasistisk rabbinsk fiksjon (13), er det ikke et eneste bevis på historiske bevis eller fysiske data som viser at en slik fødested eller en Hindu tempel som ble ødelagt for å få plass for moskeen, eksisterte faktisk (14). Faktisk er alle de arkeologiske funnene ubestridelig at Babri Masjid hadde vært en islamsk struktur fra begynnelsen, bygget fra grunnen av (15). I virkeligheten hevder Hindutva regime8217s ikke noe å gjøre med religion og alt som har å gjøre med å utføre Savocar8217s folkemordssyn for å eliminere alle spor av noe ikke-hindu i India. Konsekvent, frem til denne dagen, har Hindutva-enheten hevdet at rivningen av Babri Masjid var et resultat av overdreven opprør, en helt tilfeldig handling av rasende vold, det har hevdet at ideene om at rivningen ble premeditated var 8216conspiratorial8217 og 8216detektiv til nation8217s image.8217 Men disse påstandene er ikke mer enn bare det: krav, ikke støttet av noen form for bevis. Nedrivningen av Babri, som førte til at flere enn 2000 uskyldige muslimer (16) døde, var alt annet enn tilfeldig. Det var en planlagt intelligensoperasjon som BJP-lederne, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Singh (RSS) operatører og Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) tjenestemenn hadde orkestrert 10 måneder på forhånd (17). Den sionistiske enheten engasjert i å sette scenen for Babri-riving ved å informere BJP-ledere om voldsopprøringsøvelser under et høyt nivåsmøte kort tid før anti-muslimske røser ødela den fredelige staten Kerala i 1992 (18). Taktikken som ble brukt i Kerala var nøyaktig samme taktikk som ble brukt under Babri-riots, som ble brukt som et deksel for riving. Mossads agenter har alltid blitt ønsket velkommen i Ayodhya, som fungerer som en 8216inspirasjon8217 for terrorister av Bajrang Dal, VHP8217s ungdomsfløyen (19). Mens de foraktige lederne av BJP alltid har opprettholdt sin uskyld, ble 68 medlemmer av partiet anklaget for 8216 å påvise felles vold8217 av Liberhan-kommisjonen, en uavhengig juridisk instans satt opp for å undersøke hendelsen (20). Andre anklager omfattet forhåndsforfølgelse og kriminell uaktsomhet, og det mest fremtredende medlemmet av anklaget som ropte India var ingen andre enn Atal Bihari Vajpayee, tidligere indisk statsminister (21). Vajpayee er en beryktet Hindutvadi som åpent roser RSS, 8216Hindu8217 terroristgruppen og rutinemessig deltar i sine funksjoner (22). Vajpayee er den brutale krigsforbryteren bak massemassakrene i Kargil-konflikten med Pakistan, hvor den sionistiske enheten slått krigen rundt for sin Hindutva-motpart, og leverte Vajpayee8217s regime med UAV-droner, laserstyrte missilsystemer og andre armer (23). Vajpayee undertegnet en historisk avtale, 8216Delhi-erklæringen om vennskap og samarbeid mellom Israel og India, 8217 med slakteren av slaktere, den sionistiske krigsforbryter Ariel Sharon, som gjorde Tel Aviv-regimet India8217s nummer én våpenleverandør (24). Vajpayee er like mye av en sionist som han er en Hindutvadi, og det er ikke noe tilfeldighet at kort tid før BJP-Mossads samarbeidsprosjekt som revet Babri, åpnet israelske intelligensinfiserte selskaper Zim og El-Al kontorer i Mumbai med Zim opererer ut av 15 forskjellige steder og El-Al flyr tre flyreiser per uke ut av beleilig byen (25). Kar Sevaks er Hindutvas sayanim. I likhet med internasjonal Zionism8217s nettverk av Sayanim, hjelpere som er klare til å hjelpe Mossad på hatten (26), har Hindutva et stort nettverk av karaksjaks, hjelpere klar til å hjelpe tilhengerne av Savarkar8217s mordiske ideologi (27). Disse karaksjakene, som ble innkvartert i høgskoler, skoler og andre offentlige bygninger under oppbyggingen til nedriving av Hindutva-regimet, gjennomførte den ødeleggende operasjonen med full kunnskap og medfølelse av India8217s intelligensbyrå, Research and Analysis Wing, også kjent som RAW (28). Babri Masjid, de abyssale israelske båndene som sprang fra ødeleggelsen, RAW og terrorgruppene RSS er alle integrert i angrepene som skjedde i Mumbai 26. november 2008. Bombay-stormene fra 1993 er en velholdt Mossad-hemmelighet. The Groundwork II: Mossad8217s 1993 8216Bombay8217 Bombings Den 12. mars 1993 raste en rekke 13 bombinger byen Mumbai (kjent som Bombay). Disse dastardly, mordiske angrepene tok livet til over 250 uskyldige og skadet over 700 andre. Hindutva-regimet klandret milliardær-gangster Dawood Ibrahim for angrepet, en al-Qaida-koblet terrorist ifølge den sionistiske okkuperte USA-regjeringen (29). Hvorfor terroriserte Ibrahim og hans medarbeidere Bombay på den skjebnesvangre dagen. Bekjempelse av nedrivningen av Babri Masjid selvfølgelig. Dette er et klassisk eksempel på Hegelian dialektikk: Problem, Reaksjon, Løsning. Den hegelske dialektikken er en vanlig taktikk som brukes av den sionistiske enheten for å spre splittelse og bedrag (30). Selve faktum at Babri Masjid-riving ble brukt som en påskudd av en 8216terrorist8217-organisasjon for å utløse Hindutva-enheten, burde være nok til å hente røde flagg og avsløre den bedrageriske vanlige kontoen. For det første, og kanskje viktigst, kan Ibrahim ikke knyttes til Al-Qaida fordi Al-Qaida ikke eksisterer (31). For det andre spredte sionistiske medier propaganda om Ibrahim8217s forbindelser til en ikke-eksisterende organisasjon for å maskere hvem han virkelig er knyttet til: America8217s internasjonale massemordorganisasjon, CIA (32). Ibrahim har vært tilknyttet byrået siden Operation Cyclone ravaged (hva er nå) okkupert Afghanistan, samarbeider med det i gambling ordninger, våpenhandel og narkotika peddling (33). CIA er aktivt engasjert i å blokkere indiske myndigheter fra å arrestere Ibrahim for sin mengde andre kriminelle aktiviteter (34). For det tredje kan våpenene som brukes i Bombay-bombingene, sammen med raffinement og koordinering av angrepene, bare være et velutdannet team av internasjonale etterretningsoperasjoner. Mossad8217s navn er skrevet over mayhem. De 13 bombay-bombingene ble utført med to meget spesifikke typer ordnance: bilbomber og koffertbomber. Kuffertbomben har lenge blitt beskrevet som et våpen av 8216Islamic extremists8217 av de sionistiske media siden det allermeste, men absolutt ikke alle propagandistene inkluderer sionistiske David Frum, krigsforbryter George Bush8217s tidligere taleskriver (35), Jerusalem Post, den munnstykke avisen av den sionistiske enheten selv (36), beryktet anti-muslimsk bigot, hatemonger, warmonger og den sionistiske ekstremisten Daniel Pipes (37), sionistiske propaganda-aktiva og 911 kriminelle Charles Krauthammer (38), sionistiske multimediagiganten Time Magazine (39) , operert av den sionistiske Jeffrey Bewkes, som er blitt æret av den amerikanske jødiske komiteen (40), samt det onde Simon Wiesenthal-senteret (41) og den skammelig sionistiske organisasjonen Christian Action for Israel (42). De eneste ekstremister som bruker koffertbomber, er i motsetning til den sionistiske propaganda de som er ansatt ved Mossad. Det israelske byrået brukte koffertbomben som en 8216drig trick8217 for å implisere fiender til den sionistiske enheten i Lockerbie-falske flagget, som feiltaket og ødela livet for den libyske statsborgeren Abdelbaset Mohmed Ali al-Megrahi (43). CIA-regionale tjenestemenn i Houston avdekket et Mossad-tomt for å detonere koffertbomber i et oljeraffinaderi som et annet falskt flagg for å bli skylden på muslimer. Mossad (44) leder sjefen til det regionale etterforskningsholdet. Mossad har brukt kofferten bombe i høyt nivå paramilitære operasjoner og mord i hele Midtøsten (45). Enheten var avgjørende for suksessen til Mossad8217s mordiske operasjon på Kikambala-hotellet i Kenya i 2002 (46). Mossad brukte også kofferter til å koordinere sin nå beryktede drap på Hamas offisielle Mahmoud al-Mabhouh i Dubai (47). Det var et vanlig våpen som ble brukt av den palestinske forræderen Abu Nidal i flere av hans operasjoner. Nidal har blitt utsatt som en Mossad-agent (48). Hindawi-affære, et tomt designet for å sprenge en London-flyruter med en koffertbombe, har også blitt utsatt som en israelsk etterretningsoperasjon (49). Det er bare akademisk på dette punktet, etter flere tiår med bruk, å si at bilbomben er Mossads signatur. Hvis en bil har eksplodert, er Mossad detonatoren bilbomben har blitt brukt av den sionistiske enheten for sanguinære operasjoner og drap over hele verden, mest fremtredende i Irak, Syria, Palestina, Libanon (50) og nå Jemen (51). Et israelsk konsulat har vært fullt funksjonelt i Mumbai siden 1953 (52). Indisk spymaster og defacto grunnlegger av RAW Rameshwar Nath Kao hadde vært forbindelsen mellom indisk og israelsk intelligens gjennom dette konsulatet siden RAW ble opprettet i 1968 ga konsulatet dekning for alle samarbeidende, skjulte Mossad-RAW-operasjoner (53). Det israelske konsulatet ligger bare noen kvartaler unna Bombay børs i Nariman Point, Mumbai8217s forretningsområde, målet for den første bilbomben den 12. mars. Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport ble også rammet av eksplosiver, bare måneder etter at El Al åpnet butikk i Mumbai som flyr tre flyreiser per uke ut av Chhatrapati (som nevnt i forrige avsnitt). El Al er en vanlig avenue som brukes av Mossad som en kappe for deres mordiske operasjoner av sabotasje (54). Den sionistiske enhet8217s markeder og India8217s markeder, inkludert regimes8217 børsene har vært koblet tett på grunn av flere MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding), undertegnet etter at diplomatiske forbindelser ble offisielt i 1992 (55), og disse økonomiske sammenhengene har blitt dypere vesentlig siden bombay bombingene ( 56). Bombaringene styrket bare de økonomiske forholdene mellom Hindutva og Zionisme. Det er spennende å påpeke at de hoteller som ble bombet (blant andre), besøkes av IOF-soldater etter å ha fullført sin tjeneste på over 20 000 IOF-lurer til India hvert år for å unnslippe virkeligheten av å håndtere den fryktelige, umenneskelige forbrytelser de har begått mot uskyldige palestinerne (58). Ibrahim isn8217t Det eneste CIA-aktivet knyttet til Bombay-bombingen, CIA-agenten David Headley, har også blitt avdekket for å ha en rolle i angrepene (59). Dette fakta av seg selv utelukker den offisielle Hindutva-fortellingen, som er rart nok, blitt utryddet allerede av tidligere indianske hjemminister S. B. Chavan, som fortalte to pakistanske diplomater i private møter som han rydde Pakistan om noe involvering i bombingene (60), går imot domene fra India8217s kangaroo domstoler som feiltig dømt over 100 personer uten bevis (61), ødelagt bevis (62) , og ondsinnede anklager mot dem som er mentalt ute av stand til å fungere som vanlige mennesker, enn si 8216terrorists8217 (63). Hva Chavan faktisk trodde, var at en 8216internasjonal konspirasjon 8217 orkestriserte de dødelige angrepene på den skjebnefulle 12. mars dagen (64). Chavan8217s vurdering kunne ikke være mer nøyaktig. Bombay-bombingene var faktisk en internasjonal konspirasjon, med Mossad i hodet, CIA som støtte og RAW som leverer skjemaer for overfallet. En mer fornuftig teori vil være at Mossad smugler sprengstoffene inn i Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport gjennom El Al, israelske soldater og CIA-agenter, som regelmessige besøkende til Bombay (til i dag), frigjør blodbadet i gatene med velplasserte bilbomber og ordnance i hotellene og forlater falske flagg for å skylde muslimer, og alle operatører involverte å glide inn i skyggene uten spor som det var gjort med Guds sionistiske operasjons vrede, som hevdet livet til flere uskyldige palestinerere (65). Falskt flaggangrep ga også Mossad og CIA den plattformen som var nødvendig for å samle alle nødvendige data gjennom rekognosering, for å gjennomføre blodbadet den 26. november 2008. Angrepet var ment å sementere et fundament for samarbeid mellom zionisme og Hindutva , som det fremgår av utbredelsen av båndene direkte før og etter overfallet. Det ble også brukt til å gi et dekke for det falske flaggangrep mot Babri, og øke den indianske befolkningens støtte fra den fascistiske Hindutva-regjeringen, som implementerte flere sivile frihetslovgivende politikk i etterkant av Bombay-stormene under dekke av å beskytte folk fra islamsk terrorisme, 8217 mest fremtredende fornyelse og revamping av Terrorist og Disruptive Activities Prevention Act (66). BJP brukte denne orwellske loven til å sette opp en spesiell domstol (67), som senere påtalte falske terrorister mistenkt i kenguru-stil-saken etter bombay-angrepene. For 7 år siden uttalte Efraim Halevy, den tidligere lederen av Mossad og Israels nasjonale sikkerhetsråd, i et intervju om at en stor suksess av Mossad noensinne har blitt offentliggjort (68) .8217 Bombay bombene fra 1993 passer til en av disse hemmelige suksessene til en tee. Tel Avivs ødeleggelse av Mumbai-togene 11. juli 2006. 6527965279652796527965279 The Groundwork III: 11. juli Bombings og The Malegaon Blasts I 2006, 13 år etter den beryktede Mossad-CIA-operasjonen i Bombay, ropte to hendelser med 8216terrorism8217 den indiske befolkningen: 11. juli togbombinger i Mumbai, og 8. september blasts på en muslimsk kirkegård i Malegaon. The train bombings took place a day before the Zionist entity8217s 34-day bombing campaign of Lebanon, which was foolishly aimed at eliminating the Lebanese Resistance movement of Hezbollah. Israel was thoroughly defeated militarily by the Resistance, but Tel Aviv still managed to murder more than 1,400 Lebanese civilians, 13 of which were children, with uranium bombs and cluster munitions (69). To cover up the sheer brutality against the dignified innocents of Lebanon, the Zionist media instead focused on the 8216Islamic terror8217 in Mumbai, reporting on the developments throughout the 34 days of Israel8217s genocidal madness (70). The train bombings killed 209 people, in addition to injuring over 700 others (71), and of course, were blamed on Pakistani 8216Jihadist terrorists8217 connected to Al-Qaeda (72). A group of Mumbai intellectuals and activists outright rejected the Al-Qaeda theory, stating it is simply a name used to provide cover for operations carried out by Mossad and the CIA. They stated that every attack carried out in India is used to spread international hatred for Muslims, Islam itself and to weaken the Indian Muslim community (73). Several of India8217s top Muslim leaders, including Imam Syed Ahmed Bukhari, the leading cleric of India8217s famous Jama Masjid, blasted the Hindutvadi authorities for conducting a 8216witch-hunt,8217 raiding Muslim communities and establishing surveillance outposts which violated the civil rights of India8217s Muslim citizens. They also made it severely important to note that there wasn8217t a drop of evidence indicating who exactly conducted the attacks (74). However, the intellectuals, activists, clerics and community leaders would be vindicated soon enough. It was revealed nearly 3 months to the day after the attack, that the police had no 8216firm8217 evidence of Muslims being behind the train bombings, and the 7 suspects in custody retracted their confessions which were forced by the Mumbai police (who were under immense political pressure) to begin with (75). Who was behind the baneful Mumbai train bombings then None other than the usurping Zionist entity8217s Mossad, who carried out the attacks and left false flags which framed Islam, to secure a massive security contract with local and state Hindutva administrations to protect 8216religious8217 shrines (76). Malegaon is a city of more than 700,000 with a 75 Muslim population, which has been a target of the radical Hindutva organization Bajrang Dal, the youth wing of VHP, one of the criminal groups that planned the destruction of the Babri Masjid (as mentioned in the previous section). Bajrang Dal has bombed mosques on several occasions, incited violent riots, destroyed copies of the Holy Qur8217an and erected bomb-making facilities throughout the city (77). While the blasts were typically blamed on 8216Islamic militants8217 and Muslim suspects were later detained (78), India8217s Central Bureau of Investigation has now admitted that the suspects were wrongfully imprisoned and that the investigators had absolutely no evidence linking the accused to the Malegaon blasts (79). Apart from the utter lack of evidence, it is beyond nonsensical to think that Muslims would bomb a Muslim cemetery next to a mosque, murdering 37 innocents and injuring over 100 others (80), on a Friday directly after prayers, on the Islamic holy night of Laylat al-Bara8217ah especially when police have admitted that the attack followed the pattern of the aforementioned Hindutva terror outfit, Bajrang Dal (81). The truth cannot be attained about the Malegaon blasts without the most damning piece of evidence being addressed: Indian police have admitted that the same explosives that were used in the 711 Train Bombings in Mumbai, were used in the September 8th Malegaon blasts (82), bringing Mossad right to the forefront as the perpetrators. Due to the location of the attack matching the practices of Bajrang Dal, the explosives used in the mass murder being the identical ordnance used by Mossad in the July attacks, and the frightening, malevolent admiration that Bajrang Dal, which has hinted at cooperating with the Mossad, has for the Zionist agency (83), it is ominously clear that the 2006 Malegaon blasts were another successful Zionism-Hindutva operation. This terror isn8217t the last that Malegaon would see. In 2008, just two months before the game-changing events in Mumbai, Malegaon would be struck again, in an assault that is integral to the perpetration of the 2611 false flag. RAW played a pivotal role in the 2611 false flag. Nonsense Of The Official Story No different than the ZOG and Zionist media-promoted official 911 narrative, the 2611 official story was chock full of utter Zionist nonsense. In accordance to propaganda protocol, the attacks were initially blamed on an 8216Al-Qaeda-linked8217 group known as the Deccan Mujahideen, which a host of global intelligence experts said didn8217t even exist, then blamed on India8217s frequent scapegoat, Lashkar-e-Taiba, which the intel specialists rejected as well, stating that 8216there are no fingerprints of Lashkar (84).8217 Professional Zionist propagandists Stephen Cohen, Daniel Benjamin and Bruce Reidel held a conference at the pro-Israel Brookings Institution directly after the Mumbai assault, stating that Al-Qaeda was slated to make a video declaring responsibility for the attack (85). The Al-Qaeda videos have long been exposed as a Zionist intelligence operation, with players connected directly to Mossad and the criminal ADL (86). In identical accord with the propaganda regarding Mohamed Atta, the 8216lead 911 hijacker,8217 who displayed his 8216Islamic fundamentalism8217 by getting drunk, enjoying the company of strippers, snorting cocaine (87) and spending time with ultra-Zionist, mega-lobbyist Jack Abramoff on his yacht engaging in the aforesaid activities (88), the Zionist media propagated that the 8216Islamic extremist8217 Mumbai attackers took cocaine and LSD to stay awake during their assault and that they abused steroids as well (89). The premise was obscenely ridiculous for the 2001 false flag in New York City and it8217s equally as obscenely ridiculous to surmise that such a scenario occurred during the assault on Mumbai. Despite wide-ranging media misreporting about 8216Pakistani militants,8217 the language spoken by the Mumbai attackers wasn8217t Urdu or any other language spoken in Pakistan and the attackers wore saffron Hindutvadi-Zionist bands (90). Police officers on the scene described the attackers as 8216white (91),8217 while eyewitnesses described the attackers by stating that, 8216they did not look Indian, they look foreign,8217 also adding that one attacker had blonde hair and another had a 8216punkish hairstyle (92).8217 The Zionist media in occupied Palestine printed stories of the most obnoxious lunacy, stating that the attackers claimed that they were sent to 8216kill Israelis (93),8217 and Abraham Foxman, national director of the Zionist intelligence wing, the Anti-Defamation League, issued a statement in which he declared that the Mumbai attack was orchestrated to 8216single out Jews,8217 and later slammed anyone insinuating that Mossad was behind the assault (94). This is Zionist media damage control 101. If the ADL is attacking a theory, a group or a person, it is truth that they are attacking, and if the ADL is defending a theory, a group or a person, it is falsehood that they are defending. The CCTV technology used at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, the first target of the Mumbai attackers, is the same technology used at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, where the security is run by Safeguards Technology LLC (95), founded and headed by Israeli security expert, Moshe Levy, who has been a consultant for high-security operations across the globe (96). The pattern of the false flags here is sickening Mossad, Shin Bet-linked, Zionist-owned ICTS ran the security at the airport which was the setting for the 8216shoe-bomber8217 incident in December of 2001, the airport which was the focal point of the 8216crotch-bomber8217 incident in December of 2009, the bus systems during the false flag attack against London on July 7th, 2005 (97) and most notoriously, at every airport on 911, during the Mossad8217s most infamous, most brazen assault (98). With ex-Shin Bet officers running security on 2611, it8217s no wonder that the attackers arrived at their targets with such punctuality and carried out their mass murder with such deadly efficiency. It is a well known fact that the Zionist entity sent several Mossad agents to the Hindutva regime to serve as 8216guides8217 for BJP in fighting counter-terrorism (99), and it has been confirmed by Tel Aviv8217s mouthpiece newspaper, The Jerusalem Post, that there was an Israeli intelligence presence in Mumbai on that fateful day (100). It has also been confirmed that David Headley, the CIA8217s asset who helped carry out the 1993 Bombay blasts, had a prominent role in the execution of the attacks (101). All of the evidence perfectly points to 2611 being a well-organized, military intelligence operation, and this point is further confirmed by Mossad, the FBI, MI6 and India8217s RAW all unprecedentedly collaborating to censor the police investigation directly after the false flag (102). ATS Chief Hemant Karkare was assassinated on 2611. Malegaon Revisited: Hemant Karkare, 2611s John O8217Neil On September 29, 2008, barely less than two months before the 2611 operation, Malegaon was rocked by bloodshed again, when a motorcycle bomb exploded and murdered 5 Muslim civilians and injured 50 others (103). While the reaction of the Hindutva government, which it projected upon the police, was to blame Muslims as it is commonplace to do (104), the Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) of Mumbai8217s police, led by Hemant Karkare, went against the Hindutvadi controllers and uncovered a Hindutva terror cell connected to BJP that plotted and carried out the mayhem (105). In utter defiance of the BJP regime, Karkare explicitly and thunderously rejected its pressure and blasted the media8217s speculative theories (106), and showed no fear by arresting an Indian army official with ties to the power brokers in New Delhi (107). Karkare also arrested leaders of RSS, one of India8217s most influential Hindutvadi organizations (as discussed earlier) in connection to the Malegaon murders (108). In another connection to the Malegaon crime, shortly before 2611, Karkare8217s ATS arrested several operatives of the murderous Hindutvadi group, Sangh Parivar, which despite numerous denials from the leaders of its sister groups BJP, RSS and VHP, is heavily funded by the Mossad the funding and training began in February of 2007 after Israeli, Spanish and Belgian rabbinical officials met with the highest tiers of Hindutva in New Delhi (109). Lieutenant Colonel Prasad Purohit, the army official arrested by ATS, confessed to contacting the Zionist entity for assistance in creating a Hindutvadi nation, and the Zionist entity responded 8216very positively8217 with training and equipment ATS unearthed recorded evidence of this collaboration on the laptop of another Hindutvadi conspirator, Dayanand Pandey (110). It was the February 2007 meeting where the Malegaon conspiracy was hatched. It was the arrests of Purohit, Pandey and the Sangh Parivar operatives that tied Mossad and other Israeli elements directly to the murders on September 29th. And it was this heroic, truthful and sincere police work, which exposed Zionism and Hindutva completely, that would be the beginning of the end for Hemant Karkare. BJP unleashed a vicious smear campaign against Karkare, targeting his investigation and accusing the ATS of abusing and torturing the Hindutvadis that were captured and questioned (111). He remained steadfast, honorably telling his team to continue their work in a righteous manner, adamantly telling his men not to falsify evidence (112). Karkare began receiving death threats days before 2611 and continued receiving them up until 2 hours before the carnage began on that fateful day (113). The politicization of the Malegaon case by Hindutva and the siege against the ATS took its toll on Karkare, who remarked in his last days that, 8216the pressure is tremendous,8217 and that the allegations leveled against his men, 8216hurt (114).8217 Despite being betrayed by nearly every element of the Indian regime, Karkare still marched with his squad into South Mumbai when the butchery began, where he became one of the first casualties of 2611 . Zionism and Hindutva needed Karkare eliminated. Karkare donned a bulletproof vest and a helmet prior to engaging the besiegers, but the official story states that he died of bullet wounds to the chest. Some reports say that he died of wounds from handgun shots, other reports say that he died of wounds from machine gun fire. The Hindutva entity has completely covered up the true nature of the ATS chief8217s demise, withholding vital information, including the bulletproof itself which disappeared during the attacks. The first reason for this is, the ATS officers were supplied with substandard equipment to move into combat, a major violation of Indian law (115). In actuality, Karkare died of shots to the neck and the shoulders, exactly where the inferior vests didn8217t protect him (116). The second reason, and more important reason for this is, Karkare wasn8217t simply murdered in a 8216terror attack8217 he was brutally assassinated in an operation conducted by RAW and IB (117), with Mossad providing exceptional cover with its false flag attack. Kavita Karkare, Hemant8217s grieving wife, has rejected every claim of the Hindutva regime and has repeatedly said that there are countless questions and not a single answer being provided (118) the people have joined the widow in their calls for a new investigation into Karkare8217s death and justice for the national hero. Not only is Mohammad Ajmal Mohammad Amir Kasab, the man accused of killing Karkare and two of his colleagues, both of them being top cops as well, completely innocent, he has demanded an international trial because he feels that he has been framed by RAW and Israeli officials (119), after RAW kidnaped him in Nepal along with 200 others to be used for the Indian intelligence agency8217s 8216ulterior designs at a later date (120).8217 To complete the cover-up, Hindutva installed the notoriously anti-Muslim bigot, Rakesh Maria, who has links to the Zionist entity, as the new chief of the ATS (121). It was none other than Maria who led the investigation into the Mumbai terror attacks (122), giving the intelligence agencies mentioned in the previous section free reign to contaminate and censor all information collected. It is frightening how closely Karkare8217s tragedy resembles the tragedy of former FBI counter-terrorism chief John P. O8217Neil who was murdered on 911. O8217Neil had also faced terrible pressure from the Zionist Power Configuration in Washington and his FBI superiors for delving too deep into the true nature of Al-Qaeda. His investigations were blocked, his team was removed from their posts in Yemen, smear campaigns were launched against him, and like Karkare, who was described as 8216disturbed8217 and 8216not himself8217 in his last days (123), John O8217Neil would lose 20 pounds and become severely depressed prior to being forced out of his position at the FBI. After the fiasco at the FBI, O8217Neil would be approached by ultra-Zionist 911 criminal Jerome Hauer and offered a job at Kroll, a security company owned by Zionist Jules B. Kroll. While Kroll, Hauer and many other sayanim that were key to Mossad8217s operation on 911 weren8217t present when the thermite explosives collapsed the towers, John O8217Neil was. He died that day, the victim of Israel8217s criminal network, murdered to cover up the truth behind Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda (124). Chillingly, like O8217Neil, Karkare also had a background in intelligence, working as an officer for RAW prior to heading the ATS (125). May Hemant Karkare and John O8217Neil rest in peace, with their Zionist and Hindutvadi murderers brought to justice by the people of conscience. Chabad is a staunchly Zionist, criminal organization. Nariman House: Mossad Headquarters Mossad8217s presence inside India and occupied Kashmir is well known. Several Zionist companies owned by former Mossad and Shin Bet agents have been operating in the Hindutva entity for years (126). Eli Katzir and his Counter-Terrorism Combat Unit of the Israeli Prime Minister8217s office, which is comprised of Zionist military intelligence officials and police commanders, have been mainstays in occupied Kashmir along with many other parts of India for over a decade, leading to assistance from Israel to the Hindutva entity in the form of information transfers, instruction in operation methods and of course, sale of equipment (127). Mossad and Aman have offices through front companies of both agencies across India, including Amdocs, Ness Technologies, Magic Software Enterprises, Check Point Software Technologies, RAD Data Communications, Veraz Networks and NDS Group. Mossad and RAW also joint offices with four agencies which were created in collaboration in an operation to completely fragment Pakistan (128). There are also 57 training camps in existence all over India and occupied Kashmir, set up by Mossad and RAW, where training of 8216dissident groups8217 is conducted to carry out terrorism against Pakistan it is called the Dragon Policy (129). Out of all these safehouses, camps, offices and bases where Mossad can conduct a false flag however, in its despicable arrogance, it carried out 2611 from the Chabad Lubatvich stronghold of the Nariman House, where the firing in Mumbai began, according to several eyewitness accounts (130). Chabad is notorious for its criminal activity, engaging in bribery, theft, fraud, extortion, counterfeiting, embezzlement, money laundering (131), global pedophilia (132), ecstasy trading, meth dealing and heroin experimentation (133). Chabad is also allied with the most racist and violent organizations in the Zionist entity, it is supported by the Russian-Jewish oligarchical gangster-class which is destabilizing Russia, it has worked with ultra-Zionist racists Alan Dershowitz and Lawrence Summers to spread Zionist propaganda on college campuses and it has set up an essential network for corporate and international espionage (134). The Nariman House of Chabad has housed Mossad and other Israeli intelligence officials since 1996, when Israel received one of many security contracts from the Hindutva regime to crush the 8216militancy,8217 (i. e. the Azadi Struggle) in occupied Kashmir and to operate from India8217s Air Force bases in the Kashmiri state of Jammu, for the purpose of attacking Pakistan (135). This crucial fact explains how Rabbi Holtzberg, who was slain in the attacks, mystically predicted the 2611 false flag and was excessively 8216afraid of pictures, afraid of photographers and afraid of unnecessary public exposure that could harm the Chabad House (136).8217 He was afraid because he didn8217t want Mossad8217s cover blown, especially with Hemant Karkare already pinpointing Israeli fingerprints in Malegaon and fearlessly conducting his investigation in defiance of the pro-Israel Hindutvadi leadership. This fact explains how the Nariman House was the 8216hub8217 or the 8216den8217 of the attackers and why the attackers arrived the night before and brought 8216many bags8217 into the Chabad place of business (137). This fact explains why the 8216terrorists8217 were able to purchase food for 3 days undetected (138) it explains how the 8216terrorists8217 disappeared without a trace (139). It explains why Indian police (excluding Karkare and his team) had the 8216terrorists8217 in their sights but simply didn8217t shoot at them (140). And it explains, why the Zionist media issued contradictory accounts about the 8216hostages8217 because the hostages, were actually the attackers themselves, in all of their Zionist glory (141). Many have stated that due to Rabbi Holtzberg and his wife being murdered, it invalidates all claims of Mumbai being a Zionist operation. 8216Zionists wouldn8217t kill Jews,8217 they8217ve opined. But this is sheer nonsense an easy way to weasel their way out of conducting the proper research to identify the truth. It is a matter of the historical record, in repetition, that the Zionists have a history of killing innocent Jewish people (not that Holtzberg was innocent, quite to the contrary) to further their agenda. Mossad sunk a ship, the Egoz, full of Moroccan Jewish children, murdering all aboard then subsequently blaming it on Arabs and Mossad placed bombs in temples, schools, apartments and coffeehouses in the Jewish communities of Iraq, murdering many. Both false flag campaigns were to drive a spiteful wedge between Arab Muslims and Arab Jews, to facilitate the forced trek of the Mizrahim to occupied Palestine to be slave labor for the Ashkenazi elite (142). Zionist military intelligence also kidnaped Yemenite Jewish children and delivered them to be servants for the Khazarian elite, sold them as commodities to Zionist adoption agencies in the United States and on several occasions, murdered them and buried them in unmarked graves (143). To drive the point home a little bit further, the Zionists collaborated for some time with Adolf Hitlers National Socialist Germany (144), which was fighting a bitter war against the aggression of International Jewry and which saw Zionism as a way to remove Jews from Europe (145), and the Zionist leadership famously ignored the calls of Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandl in Europe, who sought their help to rescue Slovakian Jews, leading to Jewish deaths by starvation in the Nazi work camps (146). The Zionists do not discriminate when it comes to mass murder Muslims, Christians, Jews, atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, Arabs, Africans, Caucasians, Hebrews, Latinos, Asians and many other peoples have been all struck by Tel Aviv8217s criminal network. When the Zionist regime spills blood, it profits from it. Show Me The Terror, I8217ll Show You The Money What would an Israeli-designed false flag attack be without Zion profiteering immensely from the spilling of innocent blood The event just wouldn8217t be complete. ICTS, the infamous security company connected to a plethora of Zionist false flags was looking for a way to enter the Indian market, since so many other Mossad-Shin Bet-Aman affiliated companies had already done so, and it acquired its chance with the Mumbai assault (147). Just one month after the attacks, the Zionist entity and the Hindutva entity signed a memorandum called the Indo-Israel Legal Colloquium to facilitate discussions and profitable exchange programs between judges and jurists of the two brutal occupiers (148). Also in response to 2611, India bought the RISAT 2 from the Tel Aviv regime, an advanced spy satellite that can peer through clouds (149). As recently as January 2010, Israeli firms continue their Hindutvadi-welcomed infiltration of India, with at least 5 companies already profiting from the illegal occupation of Palestine signing massive deals for homeland security all in the name of 2611 (150). Zionist Daniel Benjamin, discussed in a previous section, was appointed by Zionist Hillary Clinton as Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism at the State Department, and it was Benjamin that allocated 4.5 million to India 8216anti-terrorism8217 in the wake of 2611 (151). As a side note, Benjamin has also been important to the Zionist-Hindutvadi 2611 false narrative, spreading excessive propaganda about Al-Qaeda and occupied Kashmir (152). The largest deal however, has been the 600 million weapons deal that Zionism and Hindutva signed in January of 2009, for coastal weapons defense systems transferred from a subsidiary of Israeli Aerospace Industries to the Indian navy (153). And of course, despite the Chabad Lubatvich headquarters of the Nariman House being in Mumbai, in India, it wouldn8217t make sense for an Indian firm to rebuild it, or Mumbai to oversee its reconstruction, would it No, of course not. The Chabad Mumbai Relief Fund was set up by Chabad Luvatvich itself, with Chabad Lubatvich officials joining the board from across the globe, including from the ultra-Zionist organizations the World Jewish Congress and the Jewish Association of Thailand (154). The vital arm of the Zionist criminal network accumulated 2 million in funds as of November 2009, with hopes of acquiring 2.5 million more (155). Disgustingly typical. To close, Zionism and Hindutva made it abundantly clear that the ties of the occupying entities were not only unaffected by 2611, but in fact, 8216emerged even stronger (156).8217 Israel wanted the proposed Peace Pipeline obliterated. The Peace Pipeline One of the two motives (other than money and spilling innocent blood) behind the Mumbai assault, and the chief one, was to obliterate the prospect of peace between India and Pakistan, as well as to crush ties between the Islamic Republic of Iran and India, premises that have been aggressively and firmly suggested by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (157). Relations between Iran and India have always been strained at best due to the Hindutvadi regime8217s collaboration with Israel and Iran8217s support of the Azadi Struggle in Kashmir, both spiritually (158) and financially (159). There was a plan in place however, that would end, or at least substantially reduce the hostilities (great and small) between the three heavyweight nations, facilitate peace in the Southeastern Asia region and assist Pakistan and India in achieving energy independence from the West: The Peace Pipeline (160). The proposed 7 billion deal would bring natural gas from the Islamic Revolution in Iran across the Islamic Republic of Pakistan into India, and the Indian leadership made great progress with Pakistan on the cost of transporting the gas through its rival back in April of 2008. Ahmadinejad visited India at the end of April to cement the deal and had the intention of closing it in 45 days. The deal was venomously opposed by the Zionist-run Bush administration (161). Though the Peace Pipeline should have been operational by 2010 (162), the efforts of understanding and serenity between the three nations came to a screeching halt. India withdrew from the project in 2009, only a few months after the attack in Mumbai, citing prices and high costs of transfer fees as the reason. This was a ruse however, as India and Pakistan had already made great progress in these fields the real reason for the pullout was Hindutva being under major pressure from the ZOG in America (163). As a result, India decided to pursue its energy needs with the United States, whom the Hindutvadi regime signed a landmark nuclear deal with in 2005 and finalized in 2008, a month before 2611 (164), sealed with World Bank funds in 821605 from President of the internationalist institution at the time, genocidal Zionist criminal, Paul Wolfowitz (165). The ZOG in America threatened Pakistan with sanctions if it decided to go through with the proposed deal with Iran (166), but Pakistan resisted and marched forward with the project, signing a deal with the Islamic Revolution for 7.6 billion in early 2010 (167). The repercussions of Pakistan8217s defiance have been grave they have been deadly they are drenched with the blood of Pakistan8217s citizens. The Iran-Pakistan deal was signed in principle in January 2010, and starting from January, it is 2010 that has been the worst year of CIA-operated drone strikes since they began in 2004, with at least 1,184 innocent Pakistanis being murdered and hundreds of others being injured (168). India has decided to move forward with a rival pipeline (169), known as the TAPI pipeline (170), which is dominated by the Merhav Group, a billionaire Israeli company headed by Mossad agent Yosef A. Maiman. Merhav has complete and total control of Turkmenistan8217s natural resources and the Mossad-owned corporation will be the chief profiteer of TAPI (171). The interests of the Zionist entity via TAPI were the real reason why Afghanistan was invaded and illegally occupied by the fascist American and British armies. It is the real reason why the nation has been utterly decimated and more than 1.2 million innocent Afghans have been murdered. Rivers of blood, in the name of Zionism. Prospect of peace destroyed Check. Iran snubbed and humiliated by Zion again Check. Payback for Pakistan8217s defiance Check. Hindutva8217s full allegiance secured Check. Mossad8217s billions still intact and flowing regularly Check and mate. Israel8217s mission accomplished. The flag of Azad (free) Kashmir end the occupation Kashmir: The Elephant In The Room A land known as 8216Heaven on Earth,8217 Kashmir has been illegally occupied by India since 1947 and has endured an overplus of barbarous crimes against humanity at the hands of Hindutva on a massive scale (172). Since 1989 alone, when the first armed struggle was launched against the Indian occupier, 93,537 Kashmiri civilians have been ruthlessly murdered, 6,981 were murdered while illegally detained in Hindutvadi custody, 9,984 Kashmiri women have been raped by the occupying military, 22,747 women were left widowed, 107,397 Kashmiri children were orphaned and 105,900 Kashmiri structures were desecrated (173). In 2008, the Azadi Struggle reached a point that it had not seen since the 8216Kashmiri Intifada8217 of 1989. It started in May with a decision from the collaborationist government to appease India that mirrors the everyday life of Palestinians under the toxic Zionist occupation. 98 acres of Kashmiri land were 8216donated8217 to 8216Hindu8217 pilgrims, infuriating the Kashmiri people who charged the treasonists governing the occupied land with attempting to change the demographics of their nation, or worse, paving the way for Zionist-style Hindutvadi settlements in Kashmir (174). Thousands took to the street in protest on August 11th, resulting in typical brutality from the Indian military, injuring over 100 unarmed civilians, and murdering 3, including the loved Kashmiri Resistance leader, Sheikh Abdul Aziz. For the first time in ten years, the Hindutvadi occupier declared curfew and then imposed that military curfew on the Valley (175). At the height of the new Intifada, between May and October, 345 innocent Kashmiris were slaughtered by Hindutva, and 3,832 were critically injured or tortured, including 1,527 in August alone (176). As if the military8217s actions weren8217t condemnable enough, BJP then imposed an economic blockade on the people of Kashmir, depriving them of petrol, diesel and food (177). Hindutva8217s monstrous barbarity invoked a global reaction, bringing Kashmir to the forefront of the geopolitical spectrum for the first time in recent memory, triggering demonstrations in one Kashmiri community after another across the earth including London (178), Toronto (179), Lahore (180) and Brussels (181). Like the Zionist entity used 911 to cover up its appalling crimes against humanity inflicted upon the Palestinians during the Second Intifada, India used 2611 to cover up its crimes against humanity inflicted upon the people of Kashmir during the 2008 uprising, as well as the global reaction to it. When 2611 struck the airwaves via heavy promotion from the Zionist media, Kashmir and its Azadi Struggle were drowned out, once again becoming a forgotten occupation as it has always been, all the way up until 2010 (182). Zionist-operated Wikileaks defends Israel in its 2611 cables. Conclusion: Wikileaks Seals The Cover-Up One can no longer read the news anymore without seeing the name of Julian Assange andor his 8216whistleblower8217 organization, Wikileaks. While Assange has attempted to portray himself as a transparency activist and Wikileaks has been touted as the next generation of dissidence, it is nothing more than an elaborate farce. Assange himself is nothing more than a Zionist shill and the only thing that Wikileaks is the next generation of, is Zionist Cass Sunstein8217s cyber COINTELPRO. Assange is affiliated with Australian intelligence, the lapdog of Mossad, and Wikileaks is deeply connected to the CIA, Mossad and international Zionist war criminal, the infamous George Soros, and it has taken blood money from all three (183). The Israeli mouthpiece newspaper, Haaretz, is calling anyone who speaks the truth about Wikileaks a 8216conspiracy theorist (184),8217 and the Zionist intelligence wing in America, the ADL, headed by Zionist thug Abraham Foxman, has launched a full scale assault on anyone linking Wikileaks to Israel, most prominently Senior Editor of Veterans Today, Gordon Duff. The ADL has smeared, slandered and character-assassinated those with the courage to speak contrary to the Zionist-owned media8217s narrative about Wikileaks as 8216anti-Semitic (185),8217 a typical tactic. In the section, 8216Nonsense of The Official Story,8217 this author wrote, 8216If the ADL is attacking a theory, a group or a person, it is truth that they are attacking, and if the ADL is defending a theory, a group or a person, it is falsehood that they are defending.8217 With the ADL8217s nauseating, vehement defense of Wikileaks, the point is reaffirmed. Considering that Julian Assange believes that 911, arguably the greatest cover-up in American history (excluding Mossad8217s assassination of President John F. Kennedy), is a 8216false conspiracy,8217 and those who seek truth about 911 8216annoy him (186),8217 it should come as no surprise that Israel8217s Wikileaks operation has spread vicious lies about what actually took place in Mumbai on November 26, 2008 in an attempt to reinforce the official pro-Hindutva, pro-Zionism narrative of Zion8217s mainstream media. One cable suggests that 8216the evidence has mounted that the terrorists belonged to Pakistan-based Jihadi groups (187).8217 Another cable says that there is 8216evidence the attacks in Mumbai were carried out by Lashkar-e-Taiba (188).8217 Another cable despicably suggests that there is 8216evidence that serving Pakistani officials were involved in the 2611 attacks (189).8217 And another states that, 8216it increasingly appears that a Pakistani-based terrorist group was the culprit behind the attacks (190).8217 Falsehood. Distortion. Lies. Propaganda. Everything that Wikileaks is exceptionally good at distributing. The evidence spoken of is non-existent. The excuse from the Wikileaks worshipers and the Assange fan club has been the same time and time again: the 8216cables8217 are from the state department, of course they8217re going to reflect official US policy. This is an abysmal, lazy defense to deflect the fact that they simply enjoy being sheep, following what the Zionist media tells them, and have no interest in attaining any information that isn8217t spoon-fed to them by the establishment. Apart from the fact that the documents have been manipulated with the CIA8217s PROMIS software (191), proving unequivocally that anything Wikileaks releases is collusive and contaminated, where the documents came from is ultimately irrelevant. The documents, which are overloaded with the most vile hasbara, are being relentlessly promoted by the Zionist media day in and day out, to serve the Zionist agenda, weaken the solidarity network, the activism community and the truth movement and keep the public distracted from the colossally important issues it is a blatant Limited Hangout operation. Anything touted by Zionism is not to be trusted. Periode. Zionists don8217t profit from leaks, they8217re exposed by them. Zionists don8217t promote leaks, they bury them. And Zionists don8217t reward whisteblowers with multi-million dollar book deals, they imprison them, torture them and if need be, eliminate them. Turn off the Zionist media and ignore the fraudulent document dumps of Wikileaks. 2611 wasn8217t carried out by Pakistani 8216Jihadi8217 terrorists. And it certainly wasn8217t assisted by the government of Pakistan. It was a Mossad false flag attack. It was assisted by the CIA, RAW and IB. The groundwork was laid in 1992 with the collaborative effort between Zionism and Hindutva to demolish the ancient Babri Masjid. The schematics were collected in 1993 when Mossad and the CIA terrorized Mumbai the first time, still known as Bombay then. Live training exercises between Mossad and Hindutvadi terror groups were conducted with the Mumbai train bombings and the Malegaon blasts in 2006, then Malegaon again in September 2008. 2611 was carried out to demolish the peace efforts between India, Pakistan and Iran, eliminate ATS chief Hemant Karkare from investigating the links between Hindutva-backed terror groups, Israel and the Hindutva-dominated government, cover up their gross human rights violations in occupied Kashmir and lead India into committing to the TAPI pipeline, headed by a Mossad-owned energy company. Hindutva, like Zionism, must vanish for peace to reign. 65279 It was a successful operation, and the murderers who plotted the bloodshed, led by the Zionist criminal network, are still at large. This pro-Israel group of elitists which thrives on gangsterism and terrorism is planning and carrying out more false flags at this very moment, most recently in Varanasi, India in December, an attack that has already been linked to Mossad (192). Like the 911 truth movement, which increases in size and steadfastness every day, a movement to promote the truth about what actually occurred on 2611 is essential to the struggle for truth, justice, freedom and peace. This essay can be the starting point it is an analysis that can be referred to for the remainder of time to squash any Zionist or Hindutvadi line of propaganda regarding the tragic events on November 26, 2008. The Hindutvadi lobby is growing in power and influence with the help of AIPAC, it is silencing those who speak out regarding the criminality of Hindutva and the brutality experienced daily in occupied Kashmir, especially on college campuses (193). Spinning the facts on 2611 is at the top of its twisted agenda. This must not be tolerated as a deterrent. For the innocents of Pakistan who have paid with their lives and the lives of their families at the hands of the CIA8217s drones, it must be fought. For the people of Kashmir, who live in the most militarized zone on earth, who deal with a worsening human rights crisis due to Hindutva8217s occupation, it must be resisted. And for the world8217s oppressed people, the truth of the Zionist criminal network8217s operation on 2611 must be exposed so Hindutva8217s lies collapse like a house of cards, and its connivance with Israeli-Anglo hegemony collapses with it. General Hamid Gul, former director of the ISI, has been one of the few prominent personalities to call 2611 exactly what it is: an 8216inside job (194).8217 End Zionism. End Hindutva. End the illegal occupations. With Resistance, empower those who have been convinced by the elite that they are weak. The ignorant exist in the most dangerous prison known to man. the mind, totally brainwashed by the 8216globe holders.8217 The only force, the only key, that can unlock this prison is the truth. Present your brothers and sisters with the key. Those who know, have a duty to inform those who don8217t. It is their duty to confront those who are imprisoned. and set them free. (1) Veer Savarkar: Revolutionary Or Conciliator by Ram Puniyani, Plural India (2) Hindutva: Who Is A Hindu by Veer Savarkar (3) Veer Savarkar: Ideologue Of Hindutva by Vinay Lal (4) India8217s Secret History: 8216A Holocaust, One Where Millions Disappeared. 8217 by Randeep Ramesh, The Guardian (5) Who Were The Indian Prophets by Mirza Faisal (6) Savarkar, Hinduness And The Aryan Homeland by Dr. Koenraad Elst (7) Historic Statements by Veer Savarkar (8) India And Israel: A Wrong Alliance Part 1 by Shaul Hameed, Ovi Magazine (9) Signpost Volume 7: Namaste Sharon: Hindtuva And Sharonism Under US Hegemony by Vijay Prashad (10) India And Israel: A Wrong Alliance Part 2 by Shaul Hameed, Ovi Magazine India8217s Burgeoning Romance With Israel by Sunaina Maira, News American Media (11) Zionism And Hindutva In The US Update - May 2004 by Raja Swamy (12) Indian Conspiracy Against Babri Mosque by Dr. Abdul Ruff, Alternative News Network Asia (13) The Invention Of The Jewish People by Professor Shlomo Sand (14) No Historical Record That Ram Temple Existed Or Was Destroyed To Build Ayodhya Mosque by Akhbar Navees, Rupee News (15) Ayodhya Verdict Yet Another Blow To Secularism: Sahmat by The Hindu (16) Timeline: Ayodhya Holy Site Crisis by BBC News (17) 8216Babri Demolition Planned 10 Months In Advance8217 by Press Trust Of India (18) Zionism, Hindutva, And Mickey Mouse Imperialism by Raja Harish Swamy, The Ghadar Publication (19) Desi Mossad Is Getting Ready At Bajrang Dal8217s Ayodhya Camp by Sharad Gupta, The Indian Express (20) An Ominous Analogy: India8217s Tactics Toward Babri Masjid, Israel8217s Toward Al-Aqsa Mosque by M. M. Ali, Washington Report On Middle East Affairs (21) Uproar Over Indian Mosque Report by Al-Jazeera English (22) Minorities In India Are Targets Of 8220Hate-Campaigns8221 By Hindu Extremists, Notes US Outfit by Surojit Chatterjee, The Christian Post (23) US Plays Matchmaker To India, Israel by Ninan Koshy, The Asia Times (24) India Employing Israeli Oppression Tactics In Kashmir by Jimmy Johnson, The Electronic Intifada (25) India And Israel: An Unholy Alliance by Faisal Kutty (26) Israeli Sleeper Agents Mobilizing For 911 Anniversary by Gordon Thomas, American Free Press (27) Through Indian Eyes by Donald Johnson and Jean Elliot Johnson (28) 8216Babri Demolition Could Have Been Prevented Under Prez Rule8217 by Press Trust of India (29) U. S. Designates Dawood Ibrahim A Terrorist Supporter by Press Room, United States Department Of Treasury (30) Park51: A Zionist PSYOP by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (31) The Power Of Nightmares: The Rise Of Politics Of Fear by BBC News (32) Dawood Ibra him Fits The Billing For One Of Cheney8217s Unsavory Intelligence Sources by Wayne Madsen (33) Mumbai Attacks Part Of 8216Blowback8217 For CIA Double-Cross by Wayne Madsen (34) Why the CIA Does Not Want Dawood In Indian Hands by Jeremy R. Hammond, Rediff (35) Terrorism8217s Enablers by David Frum, American Enterprise Institute (36) 8216Bomb8217 Found Headed For Berlin In Namibian Airport by The Jerusalem Post (37) Terrorism: The Syrian Connection by Daniel Pipes (38) In Defense Of Democratic Realism by Charles Krauthammer (39) Can A Nuke Really Fit In A Suitcase by Bill Saporito, TIME Magazine (40) Circuit: The Wizard Of Oz Honored by Michael Aushenker, Jewish Journal (41) Does Hollywood Give Jewish by Brad A. Greenberg, Jewish Journal (42) Bin Laden Has Several Nuclear Suitcases by Christian Action for Israel (43) Deception Over Lockerbie by Maidhc O Cathail (44) Why Did Houston Cops Kill The CIA Agent by The Daily Question (45) Gideon8217s Spies: The Secret History Of Mossad by Gordo n Thomas (46) Mossad Bombs Paradise Hotel In Mombasa by Joe Vialls (47) Mossad8217s License To Kill by Gordon Thomas, The Telegraph (48) Abu Nidal: A Gun For Hire by Patrick Seale (49) U. S. Army Officers - 8216Mossad May Blame Arabs8217 by Michael Collins Piper, American Free Press Israel8217s Secret Wars by Benny Morris and Ian Black (50) The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre: Zionist Fingerprints All Over by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (51) 8216US, Israel Behind Yemen Bombing8217 by Press TV (52) Bilateral Relations: Historical Overview by Israeli Diplomatic Network (53) RAW And Mossad: The Secret Link by Rediff India Abroad (54) S. African Alleges El Al A Mossad Front by Lionel Slier, The Jerusalem Post (55) India And Israel: A Wrong Alliance Part 4 by Shahul Hameed, Ovi Magazine (56) Israel And India Move Towards Free Trade Pact by Ron Dagoni and Eran Peer, Globes (57) Flipping Out (documentary) by Yoav Shamir (58) Former Israeli Soldiers 8216Flipping Out8217 In India by Claus Mueller, Jewish Post (59) Which Ex-Minister Put Pressure On Ujjal Nikam by Surendra Gangan, Daily News and Analysis (60) Pak Hand In Blasts: Chavan by The Times of India (61) SC Stays Death Sentence 821793 Blasts Convict by Rediff India Abroad (62) SC Stays Death Sentence Of 2 Mumbai Blasts Convicts by Rediff India Abroad (63) 1993 Mumbai Blasts Case: Yusuf Memon Gets Bail by Rediff India Abroad (64) 1993: Bombay Hit By Devastating Bombs by BBC News (65) Striking Back: The 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre and Israel8217s Deadly Response by Aaron J. Klein (66) Colonial Continuities: Human Rights, Terrorism, And Security Laws In India by Professor Anil Kalhan, Fordham University School of Law (67) 1993 Mumbai Blasts: Supreme Court To Fix Date For Final Hearings Tomorrow by The Hindu (68) Spy Chief: Simon Talks With Former Mossad Head by David Kohn, CBS News (69) Israel Used Uranium Bombs In Lebanon by The Tehran Times (70) Mumbai Remembers Train Bombing Victims by CTV News Scores Dead In Mumbai Tra in Bombs by BBC News 8216Everything Was Blacked Out:8217 Mumbai Blast Survivor by CBC News Indian PM Vows To Defeat Terrorism by Joel Roberts, CBS News 3 Arrested In Mumbai Train Bombings by Hari Kumar, The New York Times (71) Citing Mumbai Train Blasts, US Lawmaker Seeks Transport Security by Arun Kumar, RXPG News (72) India Police: Pakistan Spy Agency Behind Mumbai Bombings by CNN US Freezes Assets of 4 Pakistanis For Mumbai Train Bombings by Arun Kumar, Daiji World (73) Al Qaeda Theory: Mumbai Intellectuals Blame Mossad, CIA by The Kashmir Times (74) Muslims Claim Witch-Hunt In Wake of Mumbai Blasts by The Gulf Times (75) Bomb Suspects Retract Confessions by Zubair Ahmed, BBC News (76) Is Mossad Hand Behind Mumbai Train Blasts by Ghulam Muhammad, Kavkaz Center (77) Malegaon: The Road To Perdition by Praveen Swami and Anupama Katakamm, The Hindu (78) Malegaon Blasts: SIMI Activist Held by The Times of India (79) No Evidence Against Accused Arrested In 821606 Malegaon Blasts Case: CBI by Ummid (80) 37 Killed In Malegaon Blasts by Rediff India Abroad (81) Malegaon Blasts: Is It Bajrang Or Lakshar by The Times of India (82) Malegaon, 711: Same Lethal Cocktail Used by The Times of India (83) CIA And Mossad In Pune by Aangirfan (84) Experts Doubt Al Qaeda Link In Mumbai Attacks by Mark McDonald, The New York Times (85) Al Qaeda To Release Video Tape Claiming Mumbai Attacks As Theirs by Greg Bacon (86) Contrived Propaganda Tapes Reveal War On Terror Fraud by Paul Joseph Watson (87) Mohamad Atta - Terrorist, Patsy, Or Scapegoat by What Really Happened (88) The Secret World Of Jack Abramoff: Terrorists Torpedoes And Republican 8216Muscle8217 by Daniel Hopsicker, Mad Cow Morning News Abramoff And The Israeli Connection by Justin Raimondo, Antiwar (89) Mumbai Attacks: Terrorists Took Cocaine To Stay Awake During Assault by Damien McElroy, The Telegraph (90) Pakistani TV: 8216Hindu Zionists8217 And Mossad Behind Mumbai Massacre by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, Arutz Sheva (91) Indian Commandoes Storm Mumbai Hotels by Randeep Ramesh, Daniel Pepper and Thomas Bruce, The Guardian (92) Mumbai Attackers Create 8216Killing Zone8217 by Soutik Biswas, BBC News (93) Two Israelis Still Missing After Mumbai Attack by Haaretz (94) ADL Statement On Mumbai Terror Attacks Big Lie Blaming Jews Circulating by The Anti-Defamation League (95) Client List by Safeguards Technology LLC (96) Open For Prayer Again by Sudeshna Chowdhury, Mid Day About Us by Safeguards Technology LLC (97) Christmas Day Crotch Bomber Tied To Israel, FBI by Jeff Gates, Salem News (98) All 911 Airports Serviced By One Israeli Owned Company by What Really Happened (99) My Investment In Israel by Vijay Prashad, Counterpunch (100) Israeli Consulate8217s Mumbai Security Chief Arrested En Route To Chabad House Rescue by The Jerusalem Post (101) US Citizen David Headley Admits Role In Mumbai Attacks by BBC News (102) India8217s 911. Who Was Behind The Mumbai Attacks by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research (103) 8216 Malegaon Explosion Was A Bomb Blast8217 by The Hindustan Times Hindu Group Behind Malegaon Blast: Police by Smita Nair, Express India (104) India Shocked By Discovery Of First Hindu Terror Cell by Andrew Buncombe, The Independent (105) India Police Say They Hold 9 From Hindu Terrorist Cell by Hari Kumar, The New York Times (106) No Pressure In Malegaon Blast Probe, Says Top Cop by Meri News (107) Malegaon Probe: Purohit Placed Under Disciplinary Ban by Express India (108) RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) Chargesheeted Leader In Ajmer Blast Case by Sanjay Prajapati, All Voices (109) CIA, Mossad Hand Behind Sangh Parivar8217s Extremists by Ghluam Muhammed, Rashtriya Sahara Urdu Daily (110) Karkare Reported Receiving Death Threats Hours Before Execution: Congress General Secretary by Dan Qayyum, PKKH (111) 8216There Is Enough Evidence Against Col Purohit We Will Present It In Court8217 by Rana Ayyub, Tehelka Magazine, Volume 5, Issue 48 (112) ATS Chief Hemant Karkare Dies A Hero8217s Dea th by Dhirendra8217s Blogs (113) Karkare Received Death Threats: Digvijay by Daily Bhaskar (114) Mumbai Anti-Terror Chief Got Death Threats by Islam Online (115) Where is Hemant Karkare8217s Bullet Proof Jacket by Subhash Gatade, Counter Currents (116) India, America, Israel: The Three Amigos by Badri Raina, ZNET (117) Who Killed Karkare The Real Face Of Terrorism In India by S. M. Mushrif (118) Who Sent Karkare To His Death by Nikhil S. Dixit, Daily News and Analysis (119) Kasab Is Innocent by Aangirfan (120) Ajmal Kasab Kidnaped From Nepal Before 2006: Lawyer by Pak Tribune (121) The Curious Case Of David Headley by Amaresh Misra, Muslim India (122) Mumbai Cop Heralded In Film Leads Investigation Of Terror Attacks by Peter Wonacott and Geeta Anand, The Wall Street Journal (123) Karkare Disturbed Ahead Of His Death: Colleagues by Current News India (124) 911: Israel8217s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (125) Karkare8217s Response To A Death Threat: A 8216Smiley8217 by Y. P. Rajesh, Indian Express (126) Israel And India Come Closer As Partners In Homeland Security by Vikas Srivastav, The Financial Chronicle (127) Israeli Experts In Kashmir To Assess Security Needs by The Times of India (128) Israel And India: Brothers In Occupation Of Kashmir by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (129) Mossad-RAW Nexus by S. M. Hali, Pakistan Daily (130) Mumbai Terror Attacks: The Mossad Angle by Amaresh Misra, The Wisdom Fund (131) Mafia by Chabad Mafia (132) Chabad-Lubatvich Molestation And Child Abuse by Chabad Mafia (133) Chabad Houses Have History Of Criminal Activity by Wayne Madsen, Wayne Madsen Report (134) Chabad Luvatvich8217 Dangerous Game: Attacking Mumbai And The World Economy by Joachim Martillo, Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel (135) More Evidence Of CIA-Backed Syndicate Involvement In Mumbai Attacks by Wayne Madsen, Wayne Madsen Report (136) Murdered Rabbi Foresaw Mumbai Attacks by Aaron Klein, World Net Daily (137) Mumbai Attack: Was Nariman House The Terror Hub by Mid Day (138) Reign Of Violence In Mumbai Ends As Authorities Seize Hotel by CBC News (139) Mumbai Attacks - City Fears Five Terrorists Are 8216Missing8217 by Rhys Blakely, The Times (140) Mumbai Photographer: I Wish I8217d Had A Gun, Not A Camera. Armed Police Would Not Fire Back by Jerome Taylor, The Belfast Telegraph (141) Nariman House Hostages Or Attackers by What Really Happened (142) Ben-Gurion8217s Scandals: How The Haganah And The Mossad Eliminated Jews by Naeim Giladi (143) The Missing Yemenite Children by Doron A. Tal (144) 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With The Nazis by Lenni Brenner (145) Zionism And The Third Reich by Mark Weber, The Institute For Historical Review (146) Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandl by Siegmund Forst, Tzemach Dovid (147) The Loneliness Of Being Hasan Gafoor by Sagar J. Patel, Ehsaas (148) India, Israel Set Up Bilateral Legal Colloquium by The Times of India (149) Report: India Bought Advanced Spy Satellite From Israel by Haaretz (150) Israeli Firms Keen To Tap 1-Bn Security Market by MSN News (151) 4.5 Million US Aid To India To Fight Terrorism by Press Trust of India (152) The Mumbai Terrorists8217 Other Target by Daniel Benjamin, Slate Magazine (153) India, Israeli Closing Weapons Deals Wort h 600 Million by Yossi Melman, Haaretz (154) International Board To Oversee Chabad Mumbai Relief by Joshua Runyan, Chabad. org (155) Mumbai Fund Raised 2M by COL Live (156) 8216Israel-India Ties Emerge Stronger8217 by Kiran Wadhwa, The Hindustan Times (157) Iran Questions Story Behind Mumbai Terror by Press TV (158) Support Kashmir: Iran To Muslims by Greater Kashmir (159) Ghulam Ali Gulzar, Shia Muslim Intellectual And Activist by Murtaza Shibli, Kashmir Affairs (160) Iran-Pak-India Gas Pipeline: Implications And Prospects by Sohaib Shahid, Business and Finance Review (161) Iranian President8217s Visit A Test For India by Somini Sengupta and Heather Timmons, The New York Times (162) Iran8217s Oil Diplomacy Frustrates US Policy by The Daily Star (163) Pakistan Gas Pipeline Is Iran8217s Lifeline by United Press International (164) The Truth Behind The US-Indo Nuclear Deal by Siddharth Varadarajan, Global Research President Bush Signs H. R. 7081, The United States-India Nuclear Cooperation Approval And Non-Proliferation Enhancement Act by Office of The Press Secretary (165) Wolfowitz May Make World Bank Loans Attractive To India by The Financial Express (166) Iran-Pakistan-India: Laying The 8216Peace Pipeline8217 by Machete (167) India Out Of 8216Peace Pipeline8217 as Iran, Pakistan Seal Gas Deal by The Times of India (168) US Air Raids Kill 1184 In Pakistan In 821610 by Press TV (169) Is TAPI Pipeline Going To Replace Peace Pipeline by Mona Mashadi Rajabi, Iranian Diplomacy (170) The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) Pipeline Looks Set To Go Ahead by Deirdre Tynan, Oil Price (171) Why Afghanistan by Christopher Bollyn (172) The Rape Of Kashmir: Parallels With The Israeli Occupation Of Palestine by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Media Monitors Network (173) 93,537 Kashmiris Killed Since January 1989 by Kashmir Media Service (174) Land And Freedom by Arundhati Roy, The Guardian (175) Another Uprising In Kashmir by Dr. Moonis Ahmar, Dawn Media Group (176) Atrocities By Indian Troops In 2008 by Kashmir Media Service (177) Violent Mobs Rule Kashmir Highway: Report by Islamic Republic News Agency (178) Video: Kashmiris In UK Observed 15th August 2008 As Black Day by World News (179) Video: Kashmiri Protest Outside Indian Consulate In Toronto by JKLFOrg, Youtube (180) Video: Hizb Ut Tahrir, Lahore Press Club, Regarding Kashmir by Khilafah Fard, Youtube (181) Video: 22 Aug 2008 Public Rally, United Nations Offices In Brussels by KCEU, Youtube (182) The World Wants To Think The Best About India. So We Turn Our Back On Kashmir by Dean Nelson, The Telegraph (183) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion (184) Bloggers Claim Wikileaks Struck Deal With Israel Over Diplomatic Cables Leaks by Danna Harman, Haaretz (185) Conspiracy Theory Links Israel To Wikileaks ADL Says Latest 8216Big Lie8217 Is Taking Root Among Anti-Israel Conspiracy Theorists by The Anti-Defamation League (186) Video: Sex, Lies, Iran, Israel And Wikileaks by Anthony Lawson, ALawson911, Youtube (187) 08NEWDELHI3025: Mumbai Terror Attacks: GOI Heads Begin To Roll by Wikileaks (188) 08ISLAMABAD3716: Pakistan Reactions To Terror In Mumabi by Wikileaks (189) 10NEWDELHI355: NSA Menon Discusses Regional Security And Trade by Wikileaks (190) 08NEWDELHI3031: Mumbai Terror Attacks: Political Fallout Continues by Wikileaks (191) Bombs, Terrorism And Manure by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today (192) Varanasi Blast: Was It A False Flag Operation by Sayeed Hameed, Sahil Online En glish (193) Speaking Out On Kashmir And Palestine In The US by Yasmin Qureshi, The Electronic Intifada (194) Fareed Zakaria GPS: Mexican Crisis India Terror Attacks by CNN FAIR USE NOTICE All articles, poetry and lyrics are the copywritten property of Jonathan Azaziah. 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